Segnaliamo il convegno internazionale Borelli, reloaded: Contexts and networks in seventeenth-century Italy, a cura di Federica Favino (Sapienza Università di Roma) e Giulia Giannini (Università di Milano), con la collaborazione del Dipartimento di medicina molecolare, Sapienza Università di Roma, che si terrà nei giorni 30 settembre e 1 ottobre alla Sapienza Università di Roma.

Sarà possibile seguire l’evento da remoto, collegandosi al seguente link: 

Scarica il programma


Thursday, 30th September 

SARAS Department, Paleography Room 

14:30 – Welcoming 

14:45 – Opening remarks 

Session I: Mathesis and natural philosophy 

15:00 – Giulia Giannini (University of Milan), Rinaldini, the Cimento Academy, and the essay De vacuo

15:25 – Vincenzo De Risi (CNR, Paris), Euclides pervolutus: Borelli on the foundations of Geometry 

15:50 – Carla Rita Palmerino (Radboud University), Retracing Gassendi’s influence on Borelli 

16:15 – Discussion 

Session II: Networks of scientific communication 

17:00 – Renée J. Raphael (University of California, Irvine), Reading experiment in seventeenth-century Pisa: Between university and academy 

17:25 – Stefano Gulizia (University of Milan), ‘A Lynx with a knife’: John Finch and the coordination of science in 17th-century Tuscany 

17:50 – Simon Dumas Primbault (EPFL, Lausanne), A collegial rivalry: Borelli and Viviani’s relationship between the Divinazione and the Cimento 

18:15 – Discussion 


Friday, 1st October 

Library of the History Medicine, Reading Room 

Session III: The medical-anatomical debate 

10:30 – Antonio Clericuzio (University of Rome III), Borelli and the 17th-century medical debate on fevers 

10:55 – Nuno Castel-Branco (MPIWG, Berlin), Nicolaus Steno on Borelli’s missing theory for blood circulation 

11:20 – Maria Conforti (Sapienza University, Rome) – Luca Tonetti (University of Bologna), From Bologna to Messina and back: Cortesi, Malpighi, and Borelli on brain anatomy 

11:45 – Discussion 

Session IV: Antiquarianism and the Sicilian milieu 

14:00 – Monica Azzolini (University of Bologna), Sicilian antiquarianism and meteorology: Neglected sources of Kircher’s Mundus subterraneus (1665) and Borelli’s Historia et meteorologia incendii Aetnei anni 1669 (1670) 

14:25 – Salvatore Bottari (University of Messina), Borelli and the Accademia della Fucina 

14:50 – Federica Favino (Sapienza University, Rome), Borelli and the ancient triremes: Antiquarianism and political commitment 

15:15 – Discussion 

30 settembre – 1 ottobre 2021: Borelli, reloaded: Contexts and networks in seventeenth-century Italy

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